Corporate management and company-wide risk management have to constantly respond to changes in the globally interwoven markets and to new regulatory requirements. It is not enough, however, simply to create planning and management mechanisms and internal control systems that assure compliance with all the regulations. An added value must also be generated for the company and the management must be supported in taking strategic and operational decisions.
Business Markets
The market shares within the supplier industry will most probably be distributed differently in future, since the industry is currently undergoing a major structural change – the shifting of global demand, development and production locations to Asia and new technologies are creating substantial upheaval. Supplier companies must adapt to this if they wish to exploit the potentials here and to eliminate risks. This is the advice of the experts.
» learn moreA wave of consolidation at the international level has caused the aerospace industry recently to undergo a reorganisation. Now, the operators are hoping to improve their impact on the world market. The ability to develop more environmentally friendly and cost-efficient products has meanwhile become one of the decisive competitive advantages.
New suppliers from the emerging countries have entered the market and the established actors are changing their positioning, moving gradually down through the value chain
High-quality scientific and technical equipment is unimaginable today without specialist suppliers in fields such as precision engineering, precision machining, electronics, prototype construction and plastics technology.
We assist our clients in stabilising their market position long term and enabling them to reach their corporate objectives.
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Strotec GmbH
Consulting und Projektmanagement
Fabrikstrasse 1/1
D- 73728 Esslingen